I'm New

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is your worship service like?

St. Andrew's United Church is a place where you can find faith in God, and friendship with us. Our worship services last about an hour, and we use a liturgical format, which means we pray and sing together, someone reads from the Bible, a meditation is shared about how to apply what we've heard from the Scriptures, we respond to God's Word in prayer and song, and we are strengthened for our task of loving our neighbours as our worship service concludes.

Sometimes we celebrate the sacraments of Holy Communion and/or Baptism during the worship service. If you happen to join us on a sacramental Sunday, please know that we practice an open table, which means that if you would like to take Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper), you are welcome to join us. We believe that God offers the meal as our Host, and that Jesus Christ is present in the elements. All who are willing to partake of the holy meal are welcome to it. Our presence at the Lord's own table is a holy gift and grace that we receive from God, not something that we accomplish ourselves. If you would prefer not to take Communion while visiting us, you are also welcome to remain seated in your pew during the sacrament.     

What about my kids?

Your children are welcome at St. Andrew's, too! We have a Sunday program for children, please go to the "Ministries" or "About" tabs to learn more about the opportunities that your children/grandchildren will be able to participate in at our church.  

Where do I park?

There is plenty of on-street angle parking around the church on 2nd Ave West, and also on the adjacent streets. If you use a mobility aid and will need to use our church elevator, please feel welcome to park on the concrete parking pad.  

What do I wear?

Please wear some clothing! How formal or casual those clothes are is entirely up to you. We have congregants who wear jeans and plaid shirts to church, others who wear their "Sunday Best" to worship, and just about everything in between. Seriously, we want you to be comfortable while you are with us, so please wear whatever feels right to you. 

How can I get connected?

Checking out this website is a terrific start! If you decide to come to the church on a Sunday morning, you can expect to be welcomed by some of our lay leaders. We promise not to embarrass you! You can also speak to  our church secretary, Mrs. Star Byam, by calling the church office (403-545-2085). We are a dedicated group of people with many gifts and talents to share; if you'd like to give back to your community alongside us, we'd be happy to chat about your interests and skills, and connect you with one of our teams of volunteers.