Welcome to St. Andrew's!

We are a congregation of the United Church of Canada. You can find more information about our denominational history and our worship practices at www.united-church.ca 

Each United Church congregation (sometimes also called a Pastoral Charge or a Community of Faith) is governed locally by people who care about the church and who want to see it thrive and grow. At St. Andrew's, this leadership takes the form of the Official Board. Board members meet together to make spiritual and practical decisions on behalf of the congregation, with input from our teams of volunteers who help the church live out our values.

We are a warm congregation with many skills and talents to share, and no matter who you are, we invite you to "find faith and friendship" among us. We welcome everyone - young and old, rich and poor, male and female, liberal and conservative, indigenous and settler, refugee and citizen, doubters and believers ... truly, whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself along this journey of life, you are welcome at St. Andrew's.

Are you feeling curious about church? Interested in checking us out? You are welcome to join us this Sunday at 10 am for worship. We promise not to embarrass you, but if you let us know that it's your first visit, we can show you around and answer your questions (unless they're about calculus!).  We would be glad to connect by phone or email - just click the "Contact and Map" button at the top of your screen, or send us a message on our church Facebook page by  clicking on the blue icon above.